Welcome to Baton Rouge Meme - inspired by the unique people, culture, and events of our great city. We’re bringing Baton Rouge’s energy to the world of crypto with real-life meme’s that celebrate what makes us one of a kind. Let’s Make Baton Rouge Great Again…
TOTAL SUPPLY - 10,000,000,000
circulating supply - 10,000,000,000
Deveveloper renounced
The Revolution Will Not be centralized
Set Up Your Wallet
Choose your preferred crypto wallet and ensure it’s funded with ETH.
Download Uniswap
Import your wallet to Uniswap or create a new one within the app.
Swap For MAFBR
Search For “MAFBR” in Uniswap by pasting the contract address, then swap your ETH for MAFBR.
If you are new to crypto or need assistance, Click Below for in person appointment!
A special thanks to my two classmates from Broadmoor High School. Game Coin transformed my life and inspired me to chase dreams I never imagined. Shoutout to Baton Rouge’s original crypto for paving the way!